Mirrors Breaking

When we look

We can truly see

The damage that was caused

By the way you saw me

It wasn’t my thought

It wasn’t my problem

But as we look closer

We clearly see it was “them”

That shaped the image

Of the body we bear

The body that holds us

The body that cares

The body that feeds every part of our being

The body that helps us freeze flight scream

The body that survives every scratch and bone break

The body that knows how to rejuvenate

We were not born with hatred in our eyes

As we look in the mirror scrutinising what we despise

The flaws, the lines, the curves, the beauty

We miss out on it, out of societal duty

We push ourselves to be what they are

We push ourselves as we climb the bar

But for who I ask

Do they even care

Do they ask how you are

Do they help you back up

Do they hold your hand

Pull you out when you’re stuck

They do not matter

It’s you and me here

As the day light dims

It's you holding me up

Doing your job

It’s you who I see when I look in the mirror

Screaming so loud to bring me nearer

Closer you say, as I start to move forward

Seeing truth in your eyes

As you banish the dirty

Words lies criticism

From many close and far

Hurt pain heroism

As you realise who you are

Me and my body is all that I am

It’s our ability to live, as only we can

It’s our anchor, our pilot

Carrying us every which way

It’s our crown our beauty

As we learn to stay

In ourselves


Navigating Diwali with an Eating Disorder


Eating Disorders, Depression & Anxiety